Two years ago on September 29, 2007 I got married to my best friend on Pensacola Beach. Sometimes we look at each other and say, "we're married...and we have a baby?" My husband and I met at work. We were both car salesmen at World Ford here in Pensacola. Its weird because although before we started dating, I found him very attractive-I couldn't stand him!! I thought he was so arrogant and acted as if he knew EVERYTHING; he has expressed that he felt the same way about me. But going to the movies with him was one of the best decisions I ever made. We kept our relationship very low key for a very long time at work and most people didn't find out about us until I started to have a baby bump and boy were they shocked, considering we never got along.
I have so many emotions when I look back at my wedding pictures. I do laugh alot when I see them. The funniest thing about our wedding besides our song skipping during our first dance (and at the time it was not funny to me at all-I cried) was going back to our suite at the Portofino starving after the reception, and here we were in this fabulous room with the most beautiful view of the beach and we were stuck watching R Kelly's Trapped in The Closet. You know how you just watch one segment of Trapped in The Closet and before you know it an hour has gone by? Ok maybe not. We had never watched it before and we were hooked. Our reception had an assortment of food including Gumbo from New Orleans and Chefs sauteing shrimp on site-everyone ate good, except for us; we were starving! With the mingling and stress of the day we just didn't really get a chance to sit down and eat. So in my wedding dress Marcus and I went down to the Boardwalk and ate Hooter's for dinner. Yes, Hooters in my wedding dress...classy.
So Marcus, you are in Tampa now for training and I know you will be reading this. I am so glad that we are in a really good place with each other despite all of the insanity that is going on. These two years have been very, well... eventful, but hopefully we've made it through the worst. You are my best friend and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us. Its so funny...our little world... full of judges that don't work on the weekends, dance moves, thumb wrestling, 888s, Cat A**, California Bravo Deltas, A** Honker Blonkers, and press lips and fingers followed by, "You be the judge." I know you are laughing because I am too.
Someone once said, "Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that." I look forward to many more years of this simple and difficult journey.
I Love You.